Grammar Talks A1-11 Demonstrative Pronouns I like that and those!
Answer the following questions about the interview.
1) How many shirts does she have of the same top?
2) What clothing items does she discuss?
3) How much were the pants?
4) Where did she buy the pants?
4) Who has a smart watch?
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Demonstrative Pronouns
Point 1: Use this and that for singular nouns. This refers to objects closer to the speaker.
- I like this shirt. (close to speaker)
- I don't like that shirt. (away from speaker)
- Look at that car! (away from speaker)
- This bike is nice! (close to speaker)
Point 2: Use these and those for plural nouns. This refers to objects closer to the speaker.
- These jeans are too tight!
- Try those jeans.
- Are these your books?
- No, those books over there are my books.
Point 3: Speakers sometimes do not mention the noun if the object is clear.
- Do you like this shirt?
- Do you like this? (Holding shirt)
- What are these items?
- What are these?
Point 4: After using demonstratives, we often use pronouns (subject/object) to reference them.
- Do you like these?
- Yes, I like them. They are cool.
- What is this?
- It's a coffee maker. I use it a lot.