понеділок, 27 лютого 2017 р.


      International Women’s Day is an annual Ukrainian holiday held on March 8 to celebrate the achievements of women. International Women’s Day is also celebrated in other countries worldwide.
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International Women’s Day focuses on protecting, promoting and celebrating women’s rights. It was a state holiday of the former Soviet Union since 1965. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Ukraine kept the holiday. International Women’s Day is also celebrated in other countries around the world.

What Do People Do?

There are a range of activities and events that take place on International Women’s Day in Ukraine. Conferences, presentations, and public gatherings are held to promote gender equality, equal opportunities, women’s rights, and other related issues. Many people buy flowers, confectionery and other gifts for female friends, partners or family members on International Women’s Day in Ukraine. Men's Day is also observed in Ukraine.

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